DarksTeam Official Season 3 Episode 2

I recommend you all to visit Darksteam forum, you must have an account on that forum
to see DarksTeam Official Season 3 Episode 2 thread

Beta 25
  1. [Blade Master Buff] 
  2. BMBuffDiv1 = X - Added 
  3. BMBuffDiv2 = X - Added
Beta 24
  1. New Anti Freeze System [NOT Tested] 
  2. ManaShieldMasterAgility = X - Added 
  3. ManaShieldMasterEnergy = X - Added 
  4. ManaShieldMasterDivider = X - Added

Beta 23
  1. BK Buff Formula: Fixed 
  2. Mana Shield Formula: Fixed

Beta 22
DarksTeam.dll is packed, so some anti virus systems may detect it as a virus.
(is packed to prevent leechers/idiots like famous-assholes to rename it, edit it & sell it)

Aslo dont forget to report any bugs, crashes & other shits.

Client Links:
Link 1: Click Here
Mirror: Click Here
IP in main: mu.darksteam.net

/post, /add, /pkclear, /drop, /exit & /reload

/drop 1 2 13 1 1 7 63
1 = Item ID
2 = Item Group
13 = Item Level
1 = Skill
1 = Luck
7 = +28
63 = All excellent options

/reload 0 - this will reload DarksTeam.ini file

EnablePostCommand = 1
PostMinLevel = 100
OnlyForGM = 0
PostNeedZen = 1
PostZen = 100000

EnableAddCommand = 1
AddMinLevel = 100
OnlyForGM = 0
AddNeedZen = 1
AddZen = 100000

EnableDropCommand = 1
DropMinLevel = 100
OnlyForGM = 1
DropNeedZen = 1
DropZen = 100000

EnablePKClearCommand = 1
PKClearPrice = 100000
PKClearOnlyForGM = 0

EnableExitCommand = 1

EnableReloadCommand = 1

ConnectNotice = DarksTeam Forums - Powered by vBulletin

DisableCheckSum = 1
GuildAllianceMinPlayers = 20
GMMoveWay = 8
MaxLevel = 400
ExpLimit = 401
UDPPort = 60006

BkSmElfPointsPerLevel = 5
MGPointsPerLevel = 7
DLPointsPerLevel = 7
MaxZenInVault = 100000000
MaxZenInInventory = 2000000000

BloodCastleItemGroup = 12
BloodCastleItemID = 15
WhiteWizardItemGroup = 12
WhiteWizardItemID = 15
OrcsItemGroup = 12
OrcsItemID = 15
ChaosCastleMinPlayers = 2
IllusionTempleMinPlayers = 4
CCAncientItemReward = 0

ChaosMix+10SuccessRate = 50
ChaosMix+11SuccessRate = 45
ChaosMix+12SuccessRate = 45
ChaosMix+13SuccessRate = 45
DinorantSuccessRate = 70
2LevelWingsSuccessRate = 90
3LevelWingsSuccessRate = 15
FeatherOfCondorMix = 15
BlessPotionMix = 100
SoulPotionMix = 100
DarkHorseSuccessRate = 80
DarkRavenSuccessRate = 80

JewelOfBlessPrice = 6000000
JewelOfSoulPrice = 9000000
JewelOfChaosPrice = 810000
JewelOfLifePrice = 45000000
JewelOfCreationPrice = 36000000
JewelOfGuardianPrice = 60000000
JewelOfSoulFailRate = 55
JewelOfSoulWithLuck = 70
JewelOfLifeFailRate = 50

TwistingSlashMinLevel = 80
RagefullBlowMinLevel = 170
DeathStabMinLevel = 160
ImpaleMinLevel = 28
InnerStrengthMinLevel = 120
PenetrationMinLevel = 130

InnerStrEnergyDiv1 = 100
InnerStrEnergyDiv2 = 20
InnerStrEnergyDivTime1 = 60
InnerStrEnergyDivTime2 = 10

ManaShieldAgility = 50
ManaShieldEnergy = 200
ManaShieldDivider = 40

PartyExp2 = 160
PartyExp3 = 180
PartyExp4 = 200
PartyExp5 = 220
SetPartyExp3 = 230
SetPartyExp4 = 270
SetPartyExp5 = 300

ExlItemDropRate = 2000
ExlItemSkillDropRate = 100
ExlItemLuckDropRate = 1
NormalItemWithSkillDropRate = 6
NormalItemWithLuckDropRate = 4
JewelOfBlessDropRate = 25
JewelOfSoulDropRate = 22
JewelOfLifeDropRate = 10
JewelOfCreationDropRate = 25

DarkHorsePrice = 1000000
DarkRavenPrice = 500000

PartyZenBugFix = 1
CashShopFullItems = 0
Error0Fix = 1
MonsterAIErrorFix = 1
InvasionMessageFix = 1
RedDragonDuratiblityFix = 1
PotionBugFix = 1
PKBugFix = 1
DeleteCharacterWithoudID = 1
DeleteGuildWithoudID = 1
LeaveGuildWithoudID = 1
SocketSerialFix = 1
BattleSoccerFix = 1
LifePlus28Fix = 1

TransformationRing1 = 2
TransformationRing2 = 7
TransformationRing3 = 14
TransformationRing4 = 8
TransformationRing5 = 9
TransformationRing6 = 41

ElfOrbSummon1 = 26
ElfOrbSummon2 = 32
ElfOrbSummon3 = 21
ElfOrbSummon4 = 20
ElfOrbSummon5 = 10
ElfOrbSummon6 = 150
ElfOrbSummon7 = 151

Guild War - 100%
Guild Alliance - 100%
Guild Alliance Chat - 100%
Guild Hostility - 100%
Battle Soccer - 100%
Duel - 100%
Party - 100%
Personal Store - 100%
Lahap - 100%
Elf Soldier - 100%
Character Deletion - 100%
Guild Deletion - 100%
Guild leave without id - 100%
Chat - 100%
Mu Mail - 100%
GM Command - 100%
Players Command - 100%
2nd Class Quest - 100%
3rd Quest - 100%
Marlon Quest - 100%
Pet Trainer - 100%
Pet Creation - 100%
Chaos Machine Combination - 100%
Party Zen Bug - 100%
Skill - 100%
Event Item Bag - 100%
PK Bug - 100%
Potion Bug - 100%
Ancient Items - 100%
Senior Castle - 100%
Fully working skill tree
& much more

Blood Castle Event
Devil Square Event
Chaos Castle Event
White Wizard Event
Ring Attack Event
Golden Dragon Event
Red Dragon Event
Castle Siege Event
Crywolf Event
Kanturu/Maya Event/Nightmare Event
Halloween Event
Illusion Temple Event
Cherry Blossom Event
& much more

cashshopserver is not included in the start up, so u will have to start it by your self from muserver\cashshopserver\cashshop.exe
If u get cashshop error do this:
open muserver\data\CashShopOption.dat and change this:
UseCashShop = 1
ConnectShopServer = 1

to this:

UseCashShop = 0
ConnectShopServer = 0

Little Guide
  • Change Password
MuServer \ CashShopServer \ CashShopOption.ini
MuServer \ EventServer \ DATA \ svconfig.ini
MuServer \ ExDB \ ExDB.ini
MuServer \ RankingServer \ svconfig.ini

  • Change IP
MuServer \ ConnectServer \ Data \ ServerList.dat
MuServer \ Data \ IpList.dat
MuServer \ Data \ MapServerInfo.dat
MuServer \ Data \ Lang \ Chs \ Commonloc.cfg
MuServer \ StartUp.ini

Deathway (for wzag.dll) 
Wofl for some offsets 
Ema Leto and Shatter for some Data files translations
root and Aragorn for tests
DarksTeam Members

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